
AADUserRiskEvents Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular LogManagement Logs generated by Identity Protection for Azure AD User Risk Events.

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
Activity Indicates the activity type the detected risk is linked to. Possible values are: signin, user, unknownFutureValue. String
ActivityDateTime Date and time when the risky activity occurred. DateTime
AdditionalInfo Additional information associated with the user risk event in JSON format. Object
CorrelationId Correlation ID of the sign-in associated with the risk detection. This property is null if the risk detection is not associated with a sign-in. String
DetectedDateTime Date and time that the risk was detected. DateTime
DetectionTimingType Timing of the detected risk (real-time/offline). Possible values are: notDefined, realtime, nearRealtime, offline, unknownFutureValue. String
Id Unique ID of the risk event. String
IpAddress The IP address of the client from where the risk occurred. String
LastUpdatedDateTime Date and time when the risk detection was last updated. DateTime
Location Location of the sign-in. Object
OperationName Name of the operation. String
RequestId Request ID of the sign-in associated with the risk detection. This property is null if the risk detection is not associated with a sign-in. String
RiskDetail Details of the detected risk. Possible values are: none, adminGeneratedTemporaryPassword, userPerformedSecuredPasswordChange, userPerformedSecuredPasswordReset, adminConfirmedSigninSafe, aiConfirmedSigninSafe, userPassedMFADrivenByRiskBasedPolicy, adminDismissedAllRiskForUser, adminConfirmedSigninCompromised, hidden, adminConfirmedUserCompromised, unknownFutureValue. String
RiskEventType The type of risk event detected. String
RiskLevel Level of the detected risk. Possible values are: low, medium, high, hidden, none, unknownFutureValue. String
RiskState The state of a detected risky user or sign-in. Possible values are: none, confirmedSafe, remediated, dismissed, atRisk, confirmedCompromised, unknownFutureValue. String
Source Source of the risk detection. For example, activeDirectory. String
SourceSystem String
TenantId String
TimeGenerated The date and time of the event in UTC. DateTime
TokenIssuerType Indicates the type of token issuer for the detected sign-in risk. Possible values are: AzureAD, ADFederationServices, UnknownFutureValue. String
Type The name of the table String
UserDisplayName The user principal name (UPN) of the user. String
UserId Unique ID of the user. String
UserPrincipalName The user principal name (UPN) of the user. String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking