
AZKVPolicyEvaluationDetailsLogs Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular LogManagement Contains details of Azure Policy Evaluation including the outcome and details of what checks were performed.

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
_ResourceId A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with String
_SubscriptionId A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with String
DurationMs Time it took to service the REST API request, in milliseconds. This does not include the network latency, so the time you measure on the client side might not match this time Int32
EvaluationDetails Details of evaluation Object
IsComplianceCheck Is Compliance check enabled Boolean
ObjectName Name of the object String
ObjectType Type of object String
OperationName Name of the operation String
Properties Information that varies based on the operation (operationName). In most cases, this field contains client information (the user agent string passed by the client), the exact REST API request URI, and the HTTP status code. In addition, when an object is returned as a result of a request (for example, KeyCreate or VaultGet), it also contains the key URI (as id), vault URI, or secret URI Object
ResultDescription Additional description about the result, when available String
ResultSignature HTTP status of the request/response String
ResultType Result of the REST API request String
SourceSystem String
TenantId String
TimeGenerated Timestamp (in UTC) when operation occured. DateTime
Type The name of the table String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-19 Table added to tracking