
Anomalies Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular Microsoft Sentinel This table contains anomalies generated by the active Anomaly analytics rules in Azure Sentinel.

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
ActivityInsights Insights about the activites corresponding to the generated anomaly as JSON. Object
AnomalyDetails JSON object containing general information about the rule and algorithm that generated the anomaly as well as explanations for the anomaly. Object
AnomalyReasons The detailed explanation of the generated anomaly as JSON. Object
AnomalyTemplateId The ID of the Anomaly template that generated this anomaly. String
AnomalyTemplateName The name of the Anomaly template that generated this anomaly. String
AnomalyTemplateVersion The version of the Anomaly template that generated this anomaly. String
Description The description of the anomaly. String
DestinationDevice The destination device for which the anomaly was generated. String
DestinationIpAddress The destination ip address for which the anomaly was generated. String
DestinationLocation Info about the destination location for which the anomaly was generated as JSON. Object
DeviceInsights Insights about the devices corresponding to the generated anomaly as JSON. Object
EndTime The time (UTC) when the anomaly ended. DateTime
Entities JSON object containing all entities involved in the generated anomaly. Object
ExtendedLinks List of links pointing to the data that generated the anomaly. Object
ExtendedProperties JSON object with additional data on the anomaly as key-value pairs. Object
Id The ID of the generated anomaly. String
RuleConfigVersion The configuration version of the Anomaly analytics rule that generated this anomaly. String
RuleId The ID of the Anomaly analytics rule that generated this anomaly. String
RuleName The name of the Anomaly analytics rule that generated this anomaly. String
RuleStatus The status (Flighting/Production) of the Anomaly analytics rule that generated this anomaly. String
Score The score of the anomaly. Double
SourceDevice The source device for which the anomaly was generated. String
SourceIpAddress The source ip address for which the anomaly was generated. String
SourceLocation Info about the source location for which the anomaly was generated as JSON. Object
SourceSystem String
StartTime The time (UTC) when the anomaly started. DateTime
Tactics List of MITRE ATT&CK tactics (strings) corresponding to the anomaly. String
Techniques List MITRE ATT&CK techniques (strings) corresponding to the anomaly. String
TenantId String
TimeGenerated The timestamp (UTC) of when the anomaly was generated. DateTime
Type The name of the table String
UserInsights Insights about the users corresponding to the generated anomaly as JSON. Object
UserName The username for which the anomaly was generated. String
UserPrincipalName The UPN of the user for which the anomaly was generated. String
VendorName The name of the vendor that generated this anomaly. String
WorkspaceId The ID of the Sentinel workspace. String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking