
ASimAuthenticationEventLogs Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular Microsoft Sentinel Microsoft Sentinel normalized authentication events table. Stores events associated, for example, with the user authentication, sign-in, and sign-out.

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
_ResourceId A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with String
_SubscriptionId A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with String
ActingAppId The ID of the application authorizing on behalf of the actor, including a process, browser, or service. String
ActingAppName The name of the application authorizing on behalf of the actor, including a process, browser, or service. String
ActingAppType The type of acting application. String
ActingOriginalAppType The acting application type as reported by the reporting device. String
ActorOriginalUserType The user type as reported by the reporting device. String
ActorScope The scope, such as Azure AD tenant, in which ActorUserId and ActorUsername are defined. String
ActorScopeId The scope ID, such as Azure AD tenant ID, in which ActorUserId and ActorUsername are defined. String
ActorSessionId The unique ID of the sign-in session of the Actor. String
ActorUserId A machine-readable, alphanumeric, unique representation of the actor. String
ActorUserIdType The type of the ID stored in the ActorUserId field. String
ActorUsername The Actor’s username, including domain information when available. String
ActorUsernameType Specifies the type of the user name stored in the ActorUsername field. String
ActorUserType The type of the Actor. String
AdditionalFields Additional information, represented using key/value pairs provided by the source which do not map to ASim. Object
DvcAction For reporting security systems, the action taken by the system. String
DvcDescription A descriptive text associated with the device. String
DvcDomain The domain of the device reporting the event. String
DvcDomainType The type of DvcDomain. String
DvcFQDN The hostname of the device on which the event occurred or which reported the event. String
DvcHostname The hostname of the device reporting the event. String
DvcId The unique ID of the device on which the event occurred or which reported the event. String
DvcIdType The type of DvcId. String
DvcInterface The network interface on which data was captured. String
DvcIpAddr The IP Address of the device reporting the event. String
DvcMacAddr The MAC address of the device on which the event occurred or which reported the event. String
DvcOriginalAction The original DvcAction as provided by the reporting device. String
DvcOs The operating system running on the device on which the event occurred or which reported the event. String
DvcOsVersion The version of the operating system on the device on which the event occurred or which reported the event. String
DvcScope The cloud platform scope the device belongs to. DvcScope map to a subscription ID on Azure and to an account ID on AWS. String
DvcScopeId The cloud platform scope ID the device belongs to. DvcScopeId map to a subscription ID on Azure and to an account ID on AWS. String
DvcZone The network on which the event occurred or which reported the event. String
EventCount The number of events described by the record. Int32
EventEndTime The time in which the event ended. If the source supports aggregation and the record represents multiple events, the time that the last event was generated. If not provided by the source record, this field aliases the TimeGenerated field. DateTime
EventMessage A general message or description. String
EventOriginalResultDetails The original result details provided by the source. String
EventOriginalSeverity The original severity as provided by the reporting device. String
EventOriginalSubType The original event subtype or ID, if provided by the source. String
EventOriginalType The original event type or ID, if provided by the source. String
EventOriginalUid A unique ID of the original record, if provided by the source. String
EventOwner The owner of the event, which is usually the department or subsidiary in which it was generated. String
EventProduct The product generating the event. String
EventProductVersion The version of the product generating the event. String
EventReportUrl A URL provided in the event for a resource that provides more information about the event. String
EventResult The outcome of the event, represented by one of the following values: Success, Partial, Failure, NA (Not Applicable). The value may not be provided directly by the sources, in which case it is derived from other event fields, for example, the EventResultDetails field. String
EventResultDetails The details associated with the event result. This field is typically populated when the result is a failure. String
EventSchemaVersion The version of the schema. String
EventSeverity The severity of the event. Valid values are: Informational, Low, Medium, or High. String
EventStartTime The time in which the event started. If the source supports aggregation and the record represents multiple events, the time that the first event was generated. If not provided by the source record, this field aliases the TimeGenerated field. DateTime
EventSubType The sign-in type for example System, Interactive, RemoteInteractive, Service, RemoteService, Remote or AssumeRole. String
EventType Describes the operation reported by the record String
EventVendor The vendor of the product generating the event. String
HttpUserAgent When authentication is performed over HTTP or HTTPS, this field’s value is the user_agent HTTP header provided by the acting application when performing the authentication. String
LogonMethod The method used to perform authentication. String
LogonProtocol The protocol used to perform authentication. String
RuleName The name or ID of the rule associated with the inspection results. String
RuleNumber The number of the rule associated with the inspection results. Int32
SourceSystem String
SrcDescription A descriptive text associated with the source device. String
SrcDeviceType The type of the source device. String
SrcDomain The domain of the source device. String
SrcDomainType The type of SrcDomain. String
SrcDvcId The ID of the source device. String
SrcDvcIdType The type of SrcDvcId. String
SrcDvcOs The OS of the source device. String
SrcDvcScope The cloud platform scope the source device belongs to. SrcDvcScope map to a subscription ID on Azure and to an account ID on AWS. String
SrcDvcScopeId The cloud platform scope ID the source device belongs to. SrcDvcScopeId map to a subscription ID on Azure and to an account ID on AWS. String
SrcFQDN The source device hostname, including domain information when available. String
SrcGeoCity The city associated with the source IP address. String
SrcGeoCountry The country associated with the source IP address. String
SrcGeoLatitude The latitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the source IP address. Double
SrcGeoLongitude The longitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the source IP address. Double
SrcGeoRegion The region within a country associated with the source IP address. String
SrcHostname The source device hostname, excluding domain information. String
SrcIpAddr The IP address of the source device. String
SrcIsp The Internet Service Provider (ISP) used by the source device to connect to the internet. String
SrcOriginalRiskLevel The risk level associaeted with the identified Source as reported by the reporting device. String
SrcPortNumber The IP port from which the connection originated. Int32
SrcRiskLevel The risk level associated with the identified Source. Int32
TargetAppId The ID of the application to which the authorization is required, often assigned by the reporting device. String
TargetAppName The name of the application to which the authorization is required, including a service, a URL, or a SaaS application. String
TargetAppType The type of the application authorizing on behalf of the Actor. String
TargetDescription A descriptive text associated with the target device. String
TargetDeviceType The type of the target device. String
TargetDomain The domain of the target device. String
TargetDomainType The type of TargetDomain. String
TargetDvcId The ID of the target device. String
TargetDvcIdType The type of TargetDvcId. String
TargetDvcOs The OS of the target device. String
TargetDvcScope The cloud platform scope the target device belongs to. TargetDvcScope map to a subscription ID on Azure and to an account ID on AWS. String
TargetDvcScopeId The cloud platform scope ID the target device belongs to. TargetDvcScopeId map to a subscription ID on Azure and to an account ID on AWS. String
TargetFQDN The target device hostname, including domain information when available. String
TargetGeoCity The city associated with the target IP address. String
TargetGeoCountry The country associated with the target IP address. String
TargetGeoLatitude The latitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the target IP address. Double
TargetGeoLongitude The longitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the target IP address. Double
TargetGeoRegion The region within a country associated with the target IP address. String
TargetHostname The target device hostname, excluding domain information. String
TargetIpAddr The IP address of the target device. String
TargetOriginalAppType The target application type as reported by the reporting device. String
TargetOriginalRiskLevel The risk level associated with the target, as reported by the reporting device. String
TargetOriginalUserType The user type as reported by the reporting device. String
TargetPortNumber The port of the target device. Int32
TargetRiskLevel The risk level associated with the target. Int32
TargetSessionId The unique ID of the sign-in session of the Target actor. String
TargetUrl A URL associated with the target application. String
TargetUserId A machine-readable, alphanumeric, unique representation of the actor. String
TargetUserIdType The type of the ID stored in the TargetUserId field. String
TargetUsername The Target actor’s username, including domain information when available. String
TargetUsernameType The type of the Target actor’s username specified in TargetUsername field String
TargetUserScope The scope, such as Azure AD tenant, in which TargetUserId and TargetUsername are defined. String
TargetUserScopeId The scope ID, such as Azure AD tenant ID, in which TargetUserId and TargetUsername are defined. String
TargetUserType The type of the Target actor. String
TenantId String
ThreatCategory The category of the threat or malware identified in audit activity. String
ThreatConfidence The confidence level of the threat identified, normalized to a value between 0 and a 100. Int32
ThreatField The field for which a threat was identified. String
ThreatFirstReportedTime The first time the IP address or domain were identified as a threat. DateTime
ThreatId The ID of the threat or malware identified in the audit activity. String
ThreatIpAddr An IP address for which a threat was identified. String
ThreatIsActive True if the threat identified is considered an active threat. Boolean
ThreatLastReportedTime The last time the IP address or domain were identified as a threat. DateTime
ThreatName The name of the threat or malware identified in the audit activity. String
ThreatOriginalConfidence The original confidence level of the threat identified, as reported by the reporting device. String
ThreatOriginalRiskLevel The risk level as reported by the reporting device. String
ThreatRiskLevel The risk level associated with the identified threat. The level should be a number between 0 and 100. Int32
TimeGenerated The timestamp (UTC) reflecting the time in which the event was generated. DateTime
Type The name of the table String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking