AWSWAF Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular Microsoft Sentinel AWS WAF logs, collected in AWS S3 buckets, to Microsoft Sentinel. AWS WAF logs are detailed records of traffic that web access control lists (ACLs) analyze, which are essential for maintaining the security and performance of web applications.

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
Action The terminating action taken by AWS WAF (ALLOW, BLOCK, CAPTCHA, or Challenge). String
Args The query string parameters of the request. String
CaptchaResponse Status of the CAPTCHA action for the request. Object
ChallengeResponse Status of the security challenge for the request. Object
ClientIp IP address of the client making the request. String
Country Country of origin for the request. String
ExcludedRules Rules excluded from evaluation in the rule group. Object
FormatVersion Version of the AWS WAF log format. String
Headers Headers included in the HTTP request. Object
HttpMethod The HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) of the request. String
HttpRequest Metadata about the HTTP request. Object
HttpSourceId ID of the associated resource (e.g., CloudFront distribution, Load Balancer). String
HttpSourceName Source of the request (e.g., CF, APIGW, ALB). String
HttpVersion HTTP version used in the request. String
Ja3Fingerprint JA3 fingerprint of the TLS Client Hello. String
Labels Labels applied to the request by rules. Object
NonTerminatingMatchingRules List of rules that matched but didn’t terminate the request. Object
OversizeFields Fields in the request that exceeded AWS WAF inspection limits. Object
RateBasedRuleList List of rate-based rules applied to the request. Object
RequestHeadersInserted Headers inserted for custom request handling. Object
RequestId Request ID for the network request. String
ResponseCodeSent HTTP response code sent to the client. Int32
RuleGroupId ID of the rule group that matched. String
RuleGroupList List of rule groups that acted on the request. Object
SourceSystem String
TenantId String
TerminatingRule The rule that terminated the request. If this is present, it contains action, ruleId, ruleMatchDetails, and any additional information provided for each rule varies according factors such as the rule configuration, rule match type, and details of the match. Object
TerminatingRuleId ID of the network rule that matched. String
TerminatingRuleMatchDetails Details of the rule that terminated the request. Object
TerminatingRuleType Type of rule that terminated the request. String
TimeGenerated Timestamp when the log was processed. DateTime
Type The name of the table String
Uri The URI of the request. String
WebAclId The GUID of the web ACL applied to the request. String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking