
NetworkSessions Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular Microsoft Sentinel Network connections or sessions such as those logged by firewalls, Wire Data, NSG, Netflow, proxy systems and web security gateways.

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
AdditionalFields When no respective column in the schema matches, additional fields can be stored in a JSON bag. Object
CloudAppId The ID of the destination application for an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. This value is usually specific to the proxy used. String
CloudAppName The name of the destination application for an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. String
CloudAppOperation The operation the user performed in the context of the destination application for an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. This value is usually specific to the proxy used. String
CloudAppRiskLevel The risk level associated with an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. This value is usually specific to the proxy used. String
DstBytes The number of bytes sent from the destination to the source for the connection or session. Int64
DstDomainHostname The domain of the destination host. String
DstDvcDomain The Domain of the destination device. String
DstDvcFqdn The fully qualified domain name of the host where the log was created. String
DstDvcHostname The device name of the destination device. String
DstDvcIpAddr The destination IP address of a device that is not directly associated with the network packet. String
DstDvcMacAddr The destination MAC address of a device that is not directly associated with the network packet. String
DstGeoCity The city associated with the destination IP address. String
DstGeoCountry The country associated with the source IP address. String
DstGeoLatitude The latitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the destination IP address. Double
DstGeoLongitude The longitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the destination IP address Double
DstGeoRegion The region within a country associated with the destination IP address. String
DstInterfaceGuid GUID of the network interface which was used for authentication request. String
DstInterfaceName The network interface used for the connection or session by the destination device. String
DstIpAddr The IP address of the connection or session destination. String
DstMacAddr The MAC address of the network interface at which the connection or session terminated. String
DstNatIpAddr If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the IP address used by the NAT device for communication with the source. String
DstNatPortNumber If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the port used by the NAT device for communication with the source. Int32
DstPackets The number of packets sent from the destination to the source for the connection or session. The meaning of a packet is defined by the reporting device. Int64
DstPortNumber The destination IP port. Int32
DstResourceId The resource Id of the destination device. String
DstUserAadId The Azure AD account object ID of the user at the destination end of the session. String
DstUserDomain The domain or computer name of the account at the destination of the session. String
DstUserName The username of the identity associated with the session’s destination. String
DstUserSid The User ID of the identity associated with the session’s destination. Typically, the identity used to authenticate a server. String
DstUserUpn The UPN of the identity associated with the session’s destination. String
DstZone The network zone of the destination, as defined by the reporting device. String
DvcAction If reported by an intermediary device such as a firewall, the action taken by device. String
DvcHostname The device name of the device generating the message. String
DvcInboundInterface If reported by an intermediary device such as a firewall, the network interface used by it for the connection to the source device. String
DvcIpAddr The IP address of the device generating the record. String
DvcMacAddr The MAC address of the network interface of the reporting device from which the event was sent. String
DvcOutboundInterface If reported by an intermediary device such as a firewall, the network interface used by it for the connection to the destination device. String
EventCount The number of events aggregated, if applicable. Int32
EventEndTime The time in which the event ended. DateTime
EventMessage A general message or description, either included in, or generated from the record. String
EventOriginalUid The record ID from the reporting device. String
EventProduct The product generating the event. String
EventProductVersion The version of the product generating the event. String
EventReportUrl A link to the full report created by the reporting device. String
EventResourceId The resource ID of the device generating the message. String
EventResult The result reported for the activity. Empty value when not applicable. String
EventResultDetails Reason for the result reported in EventResult String
EventSchemaVersion Azure Sentinel Schema Version. String
EventSeverity If the activity reported has a security impact, denotes the severity of the impact. String
EventStartTime The time in which the event stated. DateTime
EventSubType Additional description of type if applicable. String
EventTimeIngested The time the event was ingested to Azure Sentinel. Will be added by Azure Sentinel. DateTime
EventType Type of event being collected. String
EventUid Unique identifier used by Sentinel to mark a row. String
EventVendor The vendor of the product generating the event. String
FileExtension The type of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols such as FTP and HTTP. String
FileHashMd5 The MD5 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. String
FileHashSha1 The SHA1 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. String
FileHashSha256 The SHA256 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. String
FileHashSha512 The SHA512 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. String
FileMimeType The MIME type of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols such as FTP and HTTP. String
FileName The filename transmitted over the network connections for protocols such as FTP and HTTP which provide the file name information. String
FilePath The full path, including file name, of the file. String
FileSize The file size, in bytes, of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. Int32
HttpContentType The HTTP Response content type header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String
HttpReferrerOriginal The HTTP referrer header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String
HttpRequestMethod The HTTP Method for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String
HttpRequestTime The amount of time it took to send the request to the server, if applicable. Int32
HttpRequestXff The HTTP X-Forwarded-For header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String
HttpResponseTime The amount of time it took to receive a response in the server, if applicable. Int32
HttpStatusCode The HTTP Status Code for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String
HttpUserAgentOriginal The HTTP user agent header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String
HttpVersion The HTTP Request Version for HTTP/HTTPS network connections. String
NetworkApplicationProtocol The application layer protocol used by the connection or session. String
NetworkBytes Number of bytes sent in both directions. If both BytesReceived and BytesSent exist, BytesTotal should equal their sum. Int64
NetworkDirection The direction the connection or session, into or out of the organization. String
NetworkDuration The amount of time, in millisecond, for the completion of the network session or connection. Int32
NetworkIcmpCode For an ICMP message, ICMP message type numeric value (RFC 2780 or RFC 4443). Int32
NetworkIcmpType For an ICMP message, ICMP message type text representation (RFC 2780 or RFC 4443). String
NetworkPackets Number of packets sent in both directions. If both PacketsReceived and PacketsSent exist, BytesTotal should equal their sum. Int64
NetworkProtocol The IP protocol used by the connection or session. Typically, TCP, UDP or ICMP. String
NetworkRuleName The name or ID of the rule by which DeviceAction was decided upon. String
NetworkRuleNumber Matched rule number. Int32
NetworkSessionId The session identifier as reported by the reporting device. String
SourceSystem String
SrcBytes The number of bytes sent from the source to the destination for the connection or session. Int64
SrcDvcDomain Domain of the device from which session was initiated. String
SrcDvcFqdn The fully qualified domain name of the host where the log was created. String
SrcDvcHostname The device name of the source device. String
SrcDvcIpAddr The source IP address of a device not directly associated with the network packet (collected by a provider or explicitly calculated). String
SrcDvcMacAddr The source MAC address of a device that is not directly associated with the network packet. String
SrcDvcModelName The model of the source device. String
SrcDvcModelNumber The model number of the source device. String
SrcDvcOs The OS of the source device. String
SrcDvcType The type of the source device. String
SrcGeoCity The city associated with the source IP address. String
SrcGeoCountry The country associated with the source IP address. String
SrcGeoLatitude The latitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the source IP address. Double
SrcGeoLongitude The longitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the source IP address. Double
SrcGeoRegion The region within a country associated with the source IP address. String
SrcInterfaceGuid GUID of the network interface used. String
SrcInterfaceName The network interface used for the connection or session by the source device. String
SrcIpAddr The IP address from which the connection or session originated. String
SrcMacAddr The MAC address of the network interface from which the connection od session originated. String
SrcNatIpAddr If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the IP address used by the NAT device for communication with the destination. String
SrcNatPortNumber If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the port used by the NAT device for communication with the destination. Int32
SrcPackets The number of packets sent from the source to the destination for the connection or session. The meaning of a packet is defined by the reporting device. Int64
SrcPortNumber The IP port from which the connection originated. May not be relevant for a session comprising multiple connections. Int32
SrcResourceId The resource ID of the device generating the message. String
SrcUserAadId The Azure AD account object ID of the user at the source end of the session. String
SrcUserDomain The domain for the account initiating the session. String
SrcUserName The username of the identity associated with the sessions source. Typically, user performing an action on the client. String
SrcUserSid The user ID of the identity associated with the sessions source. Typically, user performing an action on the client. String
SrcUserUpn UPN of the account initiating the session. String
SrcZone The network zone of the source, as defined by the reporting device. String
TenantId String
ThreatCategory The category of a threat identified by a security system such as Web Security Gateway of an IPS and is associated with this network session. String
ThreatId The ID of a threat identified by a security system such as Web Security Gateway of an IPS and is associated with this network session. String
ThreatName The name of the threat or malware identified. String
TimeGenerated The time the event occurred, as reported by reporting source. DateTime
Type The name of the table String
UrlCategory The defined grouping of a URL (or could be just based on the domain in the URL) related to what it is (i.e.: adult, news, advertising, parked domains, etc.). String
UrlHostname The domain part of an HTTP request URL for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String
UrlOriginal The HTTP request URL for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking