
OfficeActivity Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular Microsoft Sentinel Audit logs for Office 365 tenants collected by Azure Sentinel. Including Exchange, SharePoint and Teams logs.

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
_ResourceId A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with String
_SubscriptionId A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with String
AADGroupId Azure Active Directory group id String
AADTarget The user that the action (identified by the Operation property) was performed on String
Activity The activity that the user performed. String
Actor The user or service principal that performed the action String
ActorContextId The GUID of the organization that the actor belongs to String
ActorIpAddress The actor’s IP address in IPV4 or IPV6 address format String
AddOnGuid The unique identifier of the add-on generated this event String
AddonName The name of the add-on that generated this event String
AddOnType The type of add-on that generated this event String
AffectedItems Information about each item in the group String
AppDistributionMode Application distribution mode String
AppId Application ID String
Application The application name String
ApplicationId SharePoint application ID String
AppPoolName The App pool name String
AzureActiveDirectory_EventType The type of Azure AD event String
AzureADAppId Teams Application Azure AD ID String
ChannelGuid A unique identifier for the channel being audited String
ChannelName The name of the channel being audited String
ChannelType The type of channel being audited (Standard/Private) String
ChatName The name of the chat String
ChatThreadId The Id of the chat thread String
Client Details about the client device, device OS, and device browser that was used for the of the account login event String
Client_IPAddress The IP address of the device that was used when the operation was logged String
ClientAppId Client application ID String
ClientInfoString Information about the email client that was used to perform the operation String
ClientIP The IP address of the device that was used when the activity was logged String
ClientMachineName The machine name that hosts the Outlook client String
ClientProcessName The email client that was used to access the mailbox String
ClientVersion The version of the email client String
CommunicationType The type of communications that was conducted String
CrossMailboxOperations Indicates if the operation involved more than one mailbox Boolean
CustomEvent Optional string for custom events String
DataCenterSecurityEventType The type of dmdlet event in lock box Int32
DestFolder The destination folder String
DestinationFileExtension The file extension of a file that is copied or moved String
DestinationFileName The name of the file that is copied or moved String
DestinationRelativeUrl The URL of the destination folder where a file is copied or moved String
DestMailboxId Set only if the CrossMailboxOperations parameter is True String
DestMailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid Set only if the CrossMailboxOperations parameter is True String
DestMailboxOwnerSid Set only if the CrossMailboxOperations parameter is True String
DestMailboxOwnerUPN Set only if the CrossMailboxOperations parameter is True String
EffectiveOrganization The name of the tenant that the elevation/cmdlet was targeted at String
ElevationApprovedTime The timestamp for when the elevation was approved DateTime
ElevationApprover The name of a Microsoft manager String
ElevationDuration The duration for which the elevation was active (in Hours) Int32
ElevationRequestId A unique identifier for the elevation request String
ElevationRole The role the elevation was requested for String
ElevationTime The start time of the elevation DateTime
Event_Data Optional payload for custom events String
EventSource Identifies that an event occurred in SharePoint. Possible values are SharePoint or ObjectModel String
ExtendedProperties The extended properties of the Azure AD event String
ExternalAccess Specifies whether the cmdlet was run by a user in your organization String
ExtraProperties A list of extra properties Object
Folder The folder where a group of items is located String
Folders Information about the source folders involved in an operation String
GenericInfo Used for comments and other generic information String
InternalLogonType Reserved for internal use Int32
InterSystemsId The GUID that track the actions across components within the Office 365 service String
IntraSystemId The GUID that’s generated by Azure Active Directory to track the action String
IsManagedDevice Indicates if operation was created by a device managed by the organization Boolean
IssuedAtTime Issued At gets set if the Microsoft Entra token is available for the request and it indicates when the authentication for this Microsoft Entra token occurred. DateTime
Item Represents the item upon which the operation was performed String
ItemName The string in the Subject field of the email message String
ItemType The type of object that was accessed or modified. See the ItemType table for details on the types of objects String
LoginStatus This property is from OrgIdLogon.LoginStatus directly. The mapping of various interesting logon failures could be done by alerting algorithms Int32
Logon_Type Indicates the type of user who accessed the mailbox and performed the operation that was logged String
LogonUserDisplayName The user-friendly name of the user who performed the operation String
LogonUserSid The SID of the user who performed the operation String
MachineDomainInfo Information about device sync operations String
MachineId Information about device sync operations String
MailboxGuid The Exchange GUID of the mailbox that was accessed String
MailboxOwnerMasterAccountSid Mailbox owner account’s master account SID String
MailboxOwnerSid The SID of the mailbox owner String
MailboxOwnerUPN The email address of the person who owns the mailbox that was accessed String
Members A list of users within a Team Object
MessageId An identifier for a chat or channel message String
ModifiedObjectResolvedName This is the user friendly name of the object that was modified by the cmdlet String
ModifiedProperties The property is included for admin events, such as adding a user as a member of a site or a site collection admin group String
Name Only present for settings events. Name of the setting that changed String
NewValue Only present for settings events. New value of the setting String
OfficeId Unique identifier of an audit record String
OfficeObjectId For SharePoint and OneDrive for Business activity String
OfficeTenantId The office tenant id String
OfficeWorkload The Office 365 service where the activity occurred String
OldValue Only present for settings events. Old value of the setting String
Operation The name of the operation that the user is performing String
OperationProperties Additional operation properties Object
OperationScope The scope the operation was performed on String
OrganizationId The GUID for your organization’s Office 365 tenant. This value will always be the same for your organization String
OrganizationName The name of the tenant String
OriginatingServer The name of the server from which the cmdlet was executed String
Parameters The name and value for all parameters that were used with the cmdlet that is identified in the Operations property String
RecordType The type of operation indicated by the record. See the AuditLogRecordType table for details on the types of audit log records String
ResultReasonType Reason for the result reported in ResultType String
ResultStatus Indicates whether the action (specified in the Operation property) was successful or not String
SendAsUserMailboxGuid The Exchange GUID of the mailbox that was accessed to send email as String
SendAsUserSmtp SMTP address of the user who is being impersonated String
SendonBehalfOfUserMailboxGuid The Exchange GUID of the mailbox that was accessed to send mail on behalf of String
SendOnBehalfOfUserSmtp SMTP address of the user on whose behalf the email is sent String
SharingType The type of sharing permissions that were assigned to the user that the resource was shared with. This user is identified by the UserSharedWith parameter String
Site_ The GUID of the site where the file or folder accessed by the user is located String
Site_Url The URL of the site where the file or folder accessed by the user is located String
Source_Name The entity that triggered the audited operation. Possible values are SharePoint or ObjectModel String
SourceFileExtension The file extension of the file that was accessed by the user String
SourceFileName The name of the file or folder accessed by the user String
SourceRecordId Unique identifier of an audit record String
SourceRelativeUrl The URL of the folder that contains the file accessed by the user String
SourceSystem The source system name String
SRPolicyId Policy ID String
SRPolicyName Policy name String
SRRuleMatchDetails Rule details Object
Start_Time The date and time at which the cmdlet was executed DateTime
SupportTicketId The customer support ticket ID for the action in ‘act-on-behalf-of’ situations String
TabType The type of tab that generated this event String
TargetContextId The GUID of the organization that the targeted user belongs to String
TargetUserId Target user id String
TargetUserOrGroupName Stores the UPN or name of the target user or group that a resource was shared with String
TargetUserOrGroupType Identifies whether the target user or group is a Member, Guest, Group, or Partner String
TeamGuid A unique identifier for the team being audited String
TeamName The name of the team being audited String
TenantId String
TimeGenerated The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the user performed the activity DateTime
Type The name of the table String
UniqueTokenId UniqueTokenId gets set if the Microsoft Entra token is available for the request. It’s a unique, per-token identifier that is case-sensitive. String
UserAgent The user agent String
UserDomain The domain of the user String
UserId The UPN (User Principal Name) of the user who performed the action (specified in the Operation property) that resulted in the record being logged String
UserKey An alternative ID for the user identified in the UserId property String
UserSharedWith The user that a resource was shared with String
UserType The type of user that performed the operation. See the UserType table for details on the types of users String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking