_BilledSize |
Double |
_IsBillable |
String |
Action |
Action to take on indicator match. |
String |
Active |
Indicates whether indicator is active. |
Boolean |
ActivityGroupNames |
Activity groups associated with indicator. |
String |
AdditionalInformation |
Free text additional information for indicator. |
String |
ConfidenceScore |
Confidence rating of the indicator, from 0 to 100. |
Double |
Description |
Description of the indicator. |
String |
DiamondModel |
Diamond model value for the indicator, one of adversary, capability, infrastructure or victim. |
String |
DomainName |
The domain name observable. |
String |
EmailEncoding |
The email encoding observable. |
String |
EmailLanguage |
The email language observable. |
String |
EmailRecipient |
The email recipient observable. |
String |
EmailSenderAddress |
The email sender address observable. |
String |
EmailSenderName |
The email sender name observable. |
String |
EmailSourceDomain |
The email source domain observable. |
String |
EmailSourceIpAddress |
The email source IP address observable. |
String |
EmailSubject |
The email subject observable. |
String |
EmailXMailer |
The email X-Mailer observable. |
String |
ExpirationDateTime |
Time of indicator expiration. |
DateTime |
ExternalIndicatorId |
Identifier for indicator from submitting system. |
String |
FileCompileDateTime |
The file compilation time observable. |
DateTime |
FileCreatedDateTime |
The file creation time observable. |
DateTime |
FileHashType |
The file hash type observable. |
String |
FileHashValue |
The file hash value observable. |
String |
FileMutexName |
The file mutex name observable. |
String |
FileName |
The file name observable. |
String |
FilePacker |
The file packer observable. |
String |
FilePath |
The file path observable. |
String |
FileSize |
The file size observable. |
Int32 |
FileType |
The file type observable. |
String |
IndicatorId |
Unique identifier for indicator, calculated by receiving system. |
String |
IndicatorProvider |
The name of the entity that provided the indicator. |
String |
KillChainActions |
Indicates whether kill chain value ‘actions’ is set. |
Boolean |
KillChainC2 |
Indicates whether kill chain value ‘C2’ is set. |
Boolean |
KillChainDelivery |
Indicates whether kill chain value ‘delivery’ is set. |
Boolean |
KillChainExploitation |
Indicates whether kill chain value ’exploitation’ is set. |
Boolean |
KillChainReconnaissance |
Indicates whether kill chain value ‘reconniassance’ is set. |
Boolean |
KillChainWeaponization |
Indicates whether kill chain value ‘weaponization’ is set. |
Boolean |
KnownFalsePositives |
Text describing situations where indicator may cause false positives. |
String |
MalwareNames |
List of malware names associated with indicator |
String |
NetworkCidrBlock |
The network CIDR block observable. |
String |
NetworkDestinationAsn |
The network destination autonomous system number observable. |
Int32 |
NetworkDestinationCidrBlock |
The network destination CIDR block observable. |
String |
NetworkDestinationIP |
The network destination IP address. |
String |
NetworkDestinationPort |
The network destination port observable. |
Int32 |
NetworkIP |
The network IP address observable. |
String |
NetworkPort |
The network port observable. |
Int32 |
NetworkProtocol |
The network protocol observable. |
Int32 |
NetworkSourceAsn |
The network source autonomous system number observable. |
Int32 |
NetworkSourceCidrBlock |
The network source CIDR block observable. |
String |
NetworkSourceIP |
The network source IP address observable. |
String |
NetworkSourcePort |
The network source port observable. |
Int32 |
PassiveOnly |
Indicates whether the indicator should trigger an event that is visible to a user. |
Boolean |
SourceSystem |
Source system. |
String |
Tags |
Free form tags. |
String |
TenantId |
String |
ThreatSeverity |
Indicator severity rating from 0 to 5. Higher value indicates greater severity. |
Int32 |
ThreatType |
Threat type of indicator. |
String |
TimeGenerated |
Time of indicator ingestion. |
DateTime |
TrafficLightProtocolLevel |
Industry standard traffic light protocol level, one of white, green, amber or red. |
String |
Type |
The name of the table |
String |
Url |
The url observable. |
String |
UserAgent |
The user agent observable. |
String |