
ThreatIntelligenceIndicator Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Usx Regular Microsoft Sentinel Threat Intelligence Indicator

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
14 76 90

Schema #

Name Description Type
_BilledSize Double
_IsBillable String
Action Action to take on indicator match. String
Active Indicates whether indicator is active. Boolean
ActivityGroupNames Activity groups associated with indicator. String
AdditionalInformation Free text additional information for indicator. String
ConfidenceScore Confidence rating of the indicator, from 0 to 100. Double
Description Description of the indicator. String
DiamondModel Diamond model value for the indicator, one of adversary, capability, infrastructure or victim. String
DomainName The domain name observable. String
EmailEncoding The email encoding observable. String
EmailLanguage The email language observable. String
EmailRecipient The email recipient observable. String
EmailSenderAddress The email sender address observable. String
EmailSenderName The email sender name observable. String
EmailSourceDomain The email source domain observable. String
EmailSourceIpAddress The email source IP address observable. String
EmailSubject The email subject observable. String
EmailXMailer The email X-Mailer observable. String
ExpirationDateTime Time of indicator expiration. DateTime
ExternalIndicatorId Identifier for indicator from submitting system. String
FileCompileDateTime The file compilation time observable. DateTime
FileCreatedDateTime The file creation time observable. DateTime
FileHashType The file hash type observable. String
FileHashValue The file hash value observable. String
FileMutexName The file mutex name observable. String
FileName The file name observable. String
FilePacker The file packer observable. String
FilePath The file path observable. String
FileSize The file size observable. Int32
FileType The file type observable. String
IndicatorId Unique identifier for indicator, calculated by receiving system. String
IndicatorProvider The name of the entity that provided the indicator. String
KillChainActions Indicates whether kill chain value ‘actions’ is set. Boolean
KillChainC2 Indicates whether kill chain value ‘C2’ is set. Boolean
KillChainDelivery Indicates whether kill chain value ‘delivery’ is set. Boolean
KillChainExploitation Indicates whether kill chain value ’exploitation’ is set. Boolean
KillChainReconnaissance Indicates whether kill chain value ‘reconniassance’ is set. Boolean
KillChainWeaponization Indicates whether kill chain value ‘weaponization’ is set. Boolean
KnownFalsePositives Text describing situations where indicator may cause false positives. String
MalwareNames List of malware names associated with indicator String
NetworkCidrBlock The network CIDR block observable. String
NetworkDestinationAsn The network destination autonomous system number observable. Int32
NetworkDestinationCidrBlock The network destination CIDR block observable. String
NetworkDestinationIP The network destination IP address. String
NetworkDestinationPort The network destination port observable. Int32
NetworkIP The network IP address observable. String
NetworkPort The network port observable. Int32
NetworkProtocol The network protocol observable. Int32
NetworkSourceAsn The network source autonomous system number observable. Int32
NetworkSourceCidrBlock The network source CIDR block observable. String
NetworkSourceIP The network source IP address observable. String
NetworkSourcePort The network source port observable. Int32
PassiveOnly Indicates whether the indicator should trigger an event that is visible to a user. Boolean
SourceSystem Source system. String
Tags Free form tags. String
TenantId String
ThreatSeverity Indicator severity rating from 0 to 5. Higher value indicates greater severity. Int32
ThreatType Threat type of indicator. String
TimeGenerated Time of indicator ingestion. DateTime
TrafficLightProtocolLevel Industry standard traffic light protocol level, one of white, green, amber or red. String
Type The name of the table String
Url The url observable. String
UserAgent The user agent observable. String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking