
DeviceFileCertificateInfo Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Devices Regular

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
30 0 30

Schema #

Name Description Type
CertificateCountersignatureTime Date and time the certificate was countersigned DateTime
CertificateCreationTime Date and time the certificate was created DateTime
CertificateExpirationTime Date and time the certificate is set to expire DateTime
CertificateSerialNumber Identifier for the certificate that is unique to the issuing certificate authority (CA) String
CrlDistributionPointUrls JSON array listing the URLs of network shares that contain certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs) String
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service String
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device String
IsRootSignerMicrosoft Indicates whether the signer of the root certificate is Microsoft Boolean
IsSigned Indicates whether the file is signed Boolean
Issuer Information about the issuing certificate authority (CA) String
IssuerHash Unique hash value identifying issuing certificate authority (CA) String
IsTrusted Indicates whether the file is trusted based on the results of the WinVerifyTrust function, which checks for unknown root certificate information, invalid signatures, revoked certificates, and other questionable attributes Boolean
MachineGroup String
ReportId Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns. Int64
SHA1 SHA-1 hash of the file that the recorded action was applied to String
SignatureType Indicates whether signature information was read as embedded content in the file itself or read from an external catalog file String
Signer Information about the signer of the file String
SignerHash Unique hash value identifying the signer String
SourceSystem String
TenantId String
TimeGenerated DateTime
Timestamp Date and time when the record was generated DateTime
Type String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking