ConnectedNetworks |
Networks that the adapter is connected to. Each JSON element in the array contains the network name, category (public, private or domain), a description, and a flag indicating if itโs connected publicly to the internet |
String |
DefaultGateways |
Default gateway addresses in JSON array format |
String |
DeviceId |
Unique identifier for the device in the service |
String |
DeviceName |
Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device |
String |
DnsAddresses |
DNS server addresses in JSON array format |
String |
IPAddresses |
JSON array containing all the IP addresses assigned to the adapter, along with their respective subnet prefix and the IP class (RFC 1918 & RFC 4291) |
String |
IPv4Dhcp |
IPv4 address of DHCP server |
String |
IPv6Dhcp |
IPv6 address of DHCP server |
String |
MacAddress |
MAC address of the network adapter |
String |
MachineGroup |
String |
NetworkAdapterName |
Name of the network adapter |
String |
NetworkAdapterStatus |
Operational status of the network adapter |
String |
NetworkAdapterType |
Network adapter type |
String |
NetworkAdapterVendor |
Name of the manufacturer or vendor of the network adapter |
String |
ReportId |
Event identifier based on a repeating counter.To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns. |
Int64 |
SourceSystem |
String |
TenantId |
String |
TimeGenerated |
DateTime |
Timestamp |
Date and time when the record was generated |
DateTime |
TunnelType |
Tunneling protocol, if the interface is used for this purpose, for example 6to4, Teredo, ISATAP, PPTP, SSTP, and SSH |
String |
Type |
String |