BaseBenchmark |
Industry benchmark on top of which the profile was created |
String |
BenchmarkProfileLevel |
Benchmark compliance level set for the profile |
String |
BenchmarkVersion |
Version of the industry benchmark on top of which the profile was created |
String |
CreatedBy |
Identity of the user account who created the profile |
String |
CreatedOn |
Date and time when the profile was created |
DateTime |
LastUpdatedBy |
Identity of the user account who last updated the profile |
String |
LastUpdatedOn |
Date and time when the profile was last updated |
DateTime |
MachineGroup |
String |
OSPlatform |
Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7 |
String |
OSVersion |
Version of the operating system running on the machine |
String |
ProfileDescription |
Optional description providing additional information related to the profile |
String |
ProfileId |
Unique identifier for the profile |
String |
ProfileName |
Display name of the profile |
String |
SourceSystem |
String |
Status |
Indicator of the profile status - can be Enabled or Disabled |
Boolean |
TenantId |
String |
Type |
String |