
DeviceTvmHardwareFirmware Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Tvm Regular

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
30 0 30

Schema #

Name Description Type
AdditionalFields Additional information about the entity or event String
ComponentFamily Component family or class, a grouping of components that have similar features or characteristics as determined by the manufacturer String
ComponentName Name of hardware or firmware component String
ComponentType Type of hardware or firmware component String
ComponentVersion Component version (e.g., BIOS version) String
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service String
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device String
MachineGroup String
Manufacturer Manufacturer of hardware or firmware component String
SourceSystem String
TenantId String
Type String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking