
DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilities Schema #

Table description #

TableSection TableType TableSectionName Description
Tvm Regular

Table retention #

HotDays ColdDays TotalInteractiveDays
30 0 30

Schema #

Name Description Type
CveId Unique identifier assigned to the security vulnerability under the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system String
CveMitigationStatus Indicates the status of the workaround mitigation for the CVE on this device (possible values: applied, not applied, partially applied, pending reboot) String
CveTags Array of tags relevant to the CVE; example: ZeroDay, NoSecurityUpdate Object
DeviceId Unique identifier for the device in the service String
DeviceName Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device String
MachineGroup String
OSArchitecture Architecture of the operating system running on the machine String
OSPlatform Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7 String
OSVersion Version of the operating system running on the machine String
RecommendedSecurityUpdate Name or description of the security update provided by the software vendor to address the vulnerability String
RecommendedSecurityUpdateId Identifier of the applicable security updates or identifier for the corresponding guidance or knowledge base (KB) articles String
SoftwareName Name of the software product String
SoftwareVendor Name of the software vendor String
SoftwareVersion Version number of the software product String
SourceSystem String
TenantId String
Type String
VulnerabilitySeverityLevel Severity level assigned to the security vulnerability based on the CVSS score and dynamic factors influenced by the threat landscape String

Schema changes #

Date Action
2024-10-18 Table added to tracking