CveId |
Unique identifier assigned to the security vulnerability under the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system |
String |
CveMitigationStatus |
Indicates the status of the workaround mitigation for the CVE on this device (possible values: applied, not applied, partially applied, pending reboot) |
String |
CveTags |
Array of tags relevant to the CVE; example: ZeroDay, NoSecurityUpdate |
Object |
DeviceId |
Unique identifier for the device in the service |
String |
DeviceName |
Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device |
String |
MachineGroup |
String |
OSArchitecture |
Architecture of the operating system running on the machine |
String |
OSPlatform |
Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7 |
String |
OSVersion |
Version of the operating system running on the machine |
String |
RecommendedSecurityUpdate |
Name or description of the security update provided by the software vendor to address the vulnerability |
String |
RecommendedSecurityUpdateId |
Identifier of the applicable security updates or identifier for the corresponding guidance or knowledge base (KB) articles |
String |
SoftwareName |
Name of the software product |
String |
SoftwareVendor |
Name of the software vendor |
String |
SoftwareVersion |
Version number of the software product |
String |
SourceSystem |
String |
TenantId |
String |
Type |
String |
VulnerabilitySeverityLevel |
Severity level assigned to the security vulnerability based on the CVSS score and dynamic factors influenced by the threat landscape |
String |