AffectedSoftware |
List of all software products affected by the vulnerability |
String |
CveId |
Unique identifier assigned to the security vulnerability under the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system |
String |
CveSupportability |
Cve Supportability is an indicator to indicate whether Microsoft supports the Cve or supports it in a Premium plan |
String |
CvssScore |
Severity score assigned to the security vulnerability under the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) |
Double |
CvssVector |
Cvss Vector is a compressed textual representation that reflects the values used to derive the score |
String |
IsExploitAvailable |
Indicates whether exploit code for the vulnerability is publicly available |
String |
LastModifiedTime |
Date and time the item or related metadata was last modified |
DateTime |
PublishedDate |
Date vulnerability was disclosed to the public |
DateTime |
SourceSystem |
String |
TenantId |
String |
Type |
String |
VulnerabilityDescription |
Description of the vulnerability and associated risks |
String |
VulnerabilitySeverityLevel |
Severity level assigned to the security vulnerability based on the CVSS score and dynamic factors influenced by the threat landscape |
String |