EdgeId |
Unique edge id Unique identifier for the relationship/edge |
String |
EdgeLabel |
Label of edge |
String |
EdgeProperties |
Optional data relevant for the relationship between the nodes |
Object |
MachineGroup |
String |
SourceNodeCategories |
Categories of the source node |
Object |
SourceNodeId |
Node ID of the edge’s source |
String |
SourceNodeLabel |
Label of the edge source node |
String |
SourceNodeName |
Display name of source node |
String |
SourceSystem |
String |
TargetNodeCategories |
Categories of the target node |
Object |
TargetNodeId |
Node ID of the edge’s target |
String |
TargetNodeLabel |
Label of the edge target node |
String |
TargetNodeName |
Display name of target node |
String |
TenantId |
String |
Type |
String |